The Wisdom of No Self

Nothing in this world is more meaningful or spiritually helpful than growing our understanding of the true nature of reality, emptiness. Through familiarity with this teaching we can finally solve all our problems – no matter how intractable they seem now – and help others to do the same.

Buddha taught that emptiness is the way things really are.  It is the way things exist as opposed to the way they appear.

In general, ‘emptiness’ means the non-existence of something, but it is easy to misinterpret exactly what Buddha is saying, so that our meditation is incorrect. The correct object of negation of emptiness is ‘the things that we normally see or perceive’. When Buddha teaches the wisdom of no self, this does not mean that ourself doesn’t exist!  All phenomena do exist. The way they exist is as mere name.

Join us for this half day course led by Kadam Paul – everyone is welcome. This is a precious opportunity to discover how to meditate correctly and effectively on the liberating truth of emptiness, with resident teacher Kadam Paul Jenkins. Everybody is welcome.


Saturday 8th March




Free for membership levels: standard, study and benefactor


In-person at KMC Wales

Online for members

Course Structure

Course consists of guided meditations together with teachings relating to the course title. Suitable for everyone

Kadam Paul Jenkins

The principal Teacher at KMC Wales is Kadam Paul Jenkins. A dedicated student of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Kadam Paul has been studying and teaching Kadampa Buddhism for over 30 years. He has practical experience of integrating Modern Buddhism within a busy, professional, family life and is able to share this through the clarity and warmth of his teachings.

English (UK)