In recent years, Kadampa Buddhism has been promoted widely throughout the world by the contemporary Buddhist Master, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Since coming to the West in 1977, he has transmitted all the essential teachings and practices of Modern Kadampa Buddhism and provided training and support for hundreds of modern Kadampa Teachers. By founding the New Kadampa Tradition, the International Kadampa Buddhist Union in 1991, Geshe Kelsang has created a truly global infrastructure to preserve and promote Kadampa Buddhism for many generations to come.
It is through his kindness that we are able to access the precious teachings of Kadampa Buddhism and have the opportunity to attain the ultimate goal of human life, the supreme permanent mental peace of enlightenment, and be able to lead all living beings to the same state.
In recent years, Kadampa Buddhism has been promoted widely throughout the world by the contemporary Buddhist Master, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Since coming to the West in 1977, he has transmitted all the essential teachings and practices of Modern Kadampa Buddhism and provided training and support for hundreds of modern Kadampa Teachers. By founding the New Kadampa Tradition, the International Kadampa Buddhist Union in 1991, Geshe Kelsang has created a truly global infrastructure to preserve and promote Kadampa Buddhism for many generations to come.
It is through his kindness that we are able to access the precious teachings of Kadampa Buddhism and have the opportunity to attain the ultimate goal of human life, the supreme permanent mental peace of enlightenment, and be able to lead all living beings to the same state.
KMC Wales classes and courses are delivered by trained and qualified Kadampa Teachers.
Principal Teacher: Kadam Paul Jenkins
The principal Teacher at KMC Wales is Kadam Paul Jenkins. He is a dedicated student of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and has been studying and teaching Kadampa Buddhism for over 30 years. The title “Kadam,” was given to him by Ven Geshe Kelsang indicating that he is a senior lay teacher of the Kadampa Tradition.
Kadam Paul has deep experience of practicing meditation and teaching Kadampa Buddhism at all levels. He is much loved for the clarity and warmth of his teachings and shows the example of how to integrate Modern Buddhism within a busy, professional, family life.
Kadam Paul was born in North Wales and is a fluent Welsh speaker. His relaxed and friendly approach helps students easily take the teachings to heart and put them into practice in daily life.
We are a diverse and supportive community of people of all ages and backgrounds, and from all parts of the region, who share an interest in developing peace of mind through meditation.
KMC Wales is based in an attractive Grade ll listed building in the Uplands area of Swansea. The centre has a comfortable meditation room with a beautiful shrine which is open to everyone. All classes and courses are attended by a wide range of people from all walks of life. The public areas of the centre are wheelchair accessible.
KMC Wales is also a home for a small residential community. We have comfortable rooms with shared facilities for rent by people who share the aim of following the Buddhist way of life. Please contact our Admin Director, Ian, by email if you are interested in accommodation at the centre.
KMC Wales runs on kindness! There are many opportunities to help at the centre. We hold regular ‘centre cherishing’ mornings every Friday which include working around the centre. Volunteers are also welcome to stay for tea and cake and a free lunchtime meditation class. Volunteering opportunities include gardening, cleaning, office tasks and publicity. Please contact our Admin Director, Ian, by email if you are interested in getting involved.
KMC Wales is a self supporting charity dedicated to helping everyone find peace of mind and happiness through meditation. By attending classes and courses you are directly supporting the centre. If you would like to further support the centre then you can do this by…
KMC Wales is located in the Uplands in Swansea – see below for map location and how to get to KMC Wales